FAQs on Sleeping Disorders

Here is a list of questions that are asked frequently by people on the topics of bad sleeping habits, sleeping disorders, and insomnia.

Why do I Need Sleep?

Sleeping will allow your body to take rest so you can refill your energy and wake up fresh the next day. In easier words, sleeping will help you recover from a day’s work. The body takes the sleeping time to repair its injuries and remake the hormones. It also improves the immunity system of the body and helps it stay healthy. When you miss your sleeping schedule, you will wake up tired and irritated. Then you would rely on caffeine to feel better, but you overdo it and remain active for longer than you expect. It can also lead to inflammation which will disturb your sleep once again. So, instead of going through such trouble, you just need to focus on getting better sleep.

How much sleep do I need?

When you plan on sleeping during the night, 7-9 hours of sleep is considered adequate. As an adult, you need at least 8 hours of sleep to stay healthy. Sleeping only 6 hours on weekdays and 16 hours on weekends is not the right way to get sleep. Maintain a schedule every day. Babies need to sleep more. A one-year child needs 14-15 hours of sleep and then reduces it as they grow up. Older people tend to sleep the least, although it is not clear if they do not require more sleep or they are facing an age-related sleeping disorder.

Why can’t I fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night?

Terminal insomnia is a condition where a person wakes up in the middle of the night and then finds it hard to sleep. It is one of the types of insomnia that can be treated easily with healthy habits. However, not able to sleep does not always account for insomnia. There can be other factors that can affect your sleeping habits, including:

  • Alcohol in the evening and over-drinking.
  • Coffee or sugary drink before going to bed.
  • Stress about work and life.
  • Sleeping with a full stomach or you ate something hard to digest.
  • Worrying about sleeping and staring at the clock.
  • Being physically active right before bed.
  • Recent changes in the sleep schedule.
  • An injury or a condition cause discomfort or pain.
  • Uncomfortable surroundings.
  • I took a nap during the day and woke up after sunset.
  • Hormonal changes, including monthly cycle for women.

Does my sleep position matter?

It depends on what your sleeping position is. If your sleeping position is causing your discomfort and pain, then yes, your sleeping position matters. Sleeping on the back can cause sleep apnea or make snoring even worse. Sleeping on your stomach can cause neck and back pain. Sleeping with your arms up can cause cramps and shoulder pain. If you sleep on the corner of the bed, you might wake up on the floor the next morning.
