When you are asleep, the body takes time to work on itself, look for the problems (wounds and pain) and repair itself. It keeps the hormones balanced and restores our immune system. On the other side, if you do not sleep regularly at your scheduled time, you will start losing emotions and feel dull for the rest of your day. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you must create a balance between exercising, a healthy diet, and good sleep.
Insomnia is a disorder that is caused due to several reasons, including a bad sleeping schedule, mental stress, drug or alcohol abuse, etc. Insomnia can last from a couple of days, a week, a month, or more. During this time, the body stops responding quickly to our requirements, and we become even more irritated and stressed. Sometimes, insomnia can be a stand-alone affliction. In order to determine whether you have insomnia or not, you need to learn about your sleeping habits. You can then take your report and use Epworth Sleepiness Scale to find out if and what kind of insomnia you have.
What is the Epworth Sleepiness Scale?
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is like a questionnaire that is designed to determine how well you are doing with your sleeping habits. The scale can also tell you whether you have a sleeping disorder. For each scenario mentioned in the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, you can understand something now about your sleepiness. Each scenario will give you an environment where you need to decide if you will be able to fall asleep in such a place or not. Know that Epworth Sleepiness Scale is meant to actually make you fall asleep. If you think a scenario does not suit your sleeping comfort, move to the next one after you give a valid answer to how you would respond to an uncomfortable situation so you could sleep.
Once you answer all the questions and feel satisfied, you can add up the score. Unless you answer all the questions honestly and properly, you will not receive accurate readings. The total score of the questionnaire will determine your Epworth Sleepiness Scale score.
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is divided into four categories (0,1,2,3). Each scenario is determined by how you sleep or not sleep in different situations. So,
- Would Never Dose – 0
- Slight Chance of Dozing – 1
- Moderate Chance of Dozing – 2
- High Chance of Dozing – 3
The questionnaire in the Epworth Sleepiness Scale explains the scenarios where you would generally find yourself. You need to answer whether these situations will make you sleep or won’t. These include –
- Sitting and reading
- Watching TV
- Sitting, inactive outside in public places
- A passenger in a vehicle for an hour without a break
- Lying down to rest in the afternoon
- Sitting and talking to someone
- Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol
- Stuck in traffic inside a car